Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free Digital Downloads

Yellow Primrose
I just realized it's been a while since I posted some free images.

Primroses are as "spring-y" as daffodils and crocuses, 
but I don't see them nearly as often. Pretty and delicate,
they come in many colors. I came across this vintage image 
of some yellow ones, and added a grungy background
and some text and voila! a 2.5 x 3.5 ACEO-size image.

Click on the picture above to go to the high-resolution image,
then right-click and save to your computer.
Use however you would like!

Another Free Download
This one is part of a new collage sheet that
is available now in my Etsy shop
I'm posting the single image above as a free download. 

Here is what the full sheet looks like. 
Visit my shop to see the other eight,
all ACEO/ATC size!


  1. Thanks Maggie,,,
    I would love to use these at some point.I have not done digital in a while maybe this will get me in the mood.

  2. I can always use more flowers, thanks!!!

  3. Thank you... the rose is beautiful!

  4. These are beautiful Maggie! Very generous of you :)

    I feel all Spring-like just looking at them!

  5. got some art done with the flowers!!

    Endless possibilities!
    Thanks again!

  6. These are so pretty, I LOVE primroses- so Spring-time-ish!

  7. These are lovely! Thank you so much!! :)


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