Friday, December 23, 2011

Paint Party Friday

Just a few more ACEOs...
I hope everyone is healthy and happy this holiday season.

I don't have any holiday-related art to post
(too busy to create anything :)
but I have done some more ACEOs recently.

I've been reading about Elizabeth I, so I must have royalty on my mind.
My princess doesn't have red hair like Elizabeth,
and, unlike Elizabeth, she thinks being a princess is very tiresome.
So many duties, and not enough fun!
It's not easy, you know.

The second ACEO is a re-creation of another piece I did a while ago.
This one:
I haven't decided whether I enjoy recreating a painting...
I think I have too many new ideas fighting to be put on paper.
My thought was to redo something to make it better than the original.
But I like the first one more, oh well.

I'm wishing a wonderful 
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza, Yule, 
or any and everything you celebrate to everyone!
And an inspiring, healthy, and creative 2012!

Oh, and can't forget,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

IA Weekly Art Challenge

I think the image of the Christmas tree conjures up holiday festivity 
for me almost better than anything else. And snowflakes. And angels.
And best of all, sparkly lights.

So this digital image of our tree (probably the last year we had a real one)
and one of my angel ornaments is my contribution to 
Inspiration Avenue's Festive challenge.
 My own topic for the week, I might add. And I also might add,
another topic that I had a hard time with, geez.

As always, visit Inspiration Avenue Sunday afternoon
to see the gallery of festive entries!

Happy Week Before Christmas!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

IA Weekly Challenge and some holiday treasuries

Peace on Earth

Shelly of Pics by Shel asks a question
for the challenge this week at Inspiration Avenue.

The question is
What is in your Christmas Ball?

I put a wish in mine . . . the hope for peace on earth.

Another hope ~ that everyone is enjoying the holiday season
no matter what you celebrate! 

Visit Inspiration Avenue on Sunday afternoon to see
the gallery of bright Christmas balls.
It's sure to be festive!


Here are a few Etsy treasuries I've made recently . . .
Click and visit some awesome shops!
Leave a comment on the treasury if you'd like!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Inspiration Avenue Weekly Challenge

It may not be a midsummer night, but it's Puck and the Fairies!
This is not the painting I originally intended to enter
in the weekly challenge at Inspiration Avenue.
But I rather like the way it came out and I had fun as it evolved.

The challenge theme is
English Literature
the choice of Lisa at The Wright Stuff, and a jolly good choice it is!

My theme of Shakespeare and that mischievous Puck is still the same.
Just a different version than the painting I still intend to finish...

It's a spread in my SBP journal. I'm so happy to get 2 more pages
finished because the deadline to send in my sketchbook is fast approaching.
You may be seeing more SBP pages as December flies along.

I just flat ran out of time for my original idea.
Hmmm, perhaps because I had a little too much help?

Oliver is never shy about voicing his opinions...

“Hmmm... I could have done a much better job on this.
The background resembles something I tore up in my kitten days.
Maybe she's saved it all this time and is just sticking it to me
now that I am all grown up and dignified-like.

Is that supposed to be a human version of me?
If so, I think I enjoy being a cat thank you very much.
Although there IS something, maybe around the eyes,
that reminds me of myself...”

“There must be more to this. She can't be serious. 
Anything on the back?...Nope”
“I was holding a little grudge against her
for all the time she spends in this so-called 
*ART ROOM which really should be MY room* 
 instead of feeding me treats 
whenever I feel my blood sugar dropping.
But now I just feel a bit sorry for her.
I guess I'll have to come around more often 
to offer my assistance. *sigh*”

Thank you, Oliver.
Alas, time to close this post, methinks.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Paint Party Friday

Work in Progress...
A page in my SBP journal.
A study for my entry in the Inspiration Avenue weekly challenge,
English Literature.
I picked that rascally little character Puck for my
interpretation of Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Why I chose Shakespeare... I don't know.
I find my eyes closing and my brain twirling like a
troupe of dancing fairies when I try to read his plays.
I've tried, but I just can't read him.
Thank goodness I'm no longer in school lol.

But I do love the story, 
if someone else would just write it in everyday English.
Actually someone probably has.

I love Puck.
He appears in other stories also, such as
Puck of Pook's Hill by Rudyard Kipling.

... and some ACEOs
that are in my Etsy shop ...
I used  colored pencil on watercolor paper.

(Note to self ~
How about using WATERCOLOR on watercolor paper
and colored pencil on something smooooth. 
Ugh. I just think I would like that much better.)

Go see what's new over there!