We've each selected artists for our books and Gemma's artist is Georgia O'Keeffe.
Panic!! I was (am!) very intimidated by Georgia O'Keeffe. Her style is so precise.
And perfect. Perfectly precise and gorgeous.
The exact opposite of my style, whatever that is :-)
The O'Keeffe paintings I'm most familiar with are all
landscapes, flowers, or abstracts.
So I did one of each in Gemma's book...
There is a place in New Mexico called Shiprock.
I don't know that Georgia O'Keeffe ever painted Shiprock (maybe too touristy for her),
at least I gather it's a bit of a tourist attraction...I've never been there.
Sadly I've only driven through New Mexico, and never got to stop.
The foreground drove me nuts, and I wondered how in the world I would be able
to fill the rest of the page before March was out! That's when I got the brilliant idea
to create the rock out of tissue paper and paint. The process sped up considerably!
And I found in my stash some incredible green paper with gold fibers in it.
LOVE the way it tore to look like dry desert plants!
I received something wrapped in it and saved it for the perfect use.
I think it may have been Kat who sent it?
Georgia's quote, which proves how different she must have been to me:
“You know I never feel at home in the east like I do out here ~
and finally feeling in the right place again ~ I feel like myself and I like it.”
The desert has never welcomed me...I feel uneasy in the desert
and miss the lush greens of the east.
But once I started putting these pages together,
I could see that there is much beauty in the desert. I know Gemma loves it,
and posts the most awesomely beautiful photos of the landscape!
So on to the next page...
I have posted this before when it was a WIP.
Hasn't changed too much except for the quote
and a bit more done on the green parts.
And last...but should have been first lol ...
my portion of the front cover of Gemma's book.
We have 8 artists total, and the first 4 will collaborate on the front cover
and the last 4 will work on the back cover. My portion of the front
is in the lower right corner. I rather copied one of Georgia's abstracts.
I originally thought to use the design and maybe change the colors.
Then I realized that the colors she chose
and the placement of them were perfection.
What a genius she was!
Changing colors would have thrown the whole thing off in my eyes.
So I used her colors for the most part.
Georgia O'Keeffe's painting.
Mine is flat and hers has so much more depth
and shading. Maybe someone will add a bit more
to make mine look better...?
So, I'm looking forward to receiving the next journal,
which is Stephanie's. Her artist is Chagall.
More challenges! I feel more comfortable with Chagall.
But I may be surprised just like I was with O'Keeffe...