Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Journal Cover

I wasn't going to post this at all.

It's for Lilla Rogers' Global Talent Search. 

A contest with an awesome prize that I will not win.

But. I thought I'd give it a whirl anyway.

The instructions said, the theme is "playground", the size is 5 x 7 inches,
and it must have the word "journal" on it, since it is meant to be
a journal cover. Other than that, we were given free rein.

I wasn't sure if a blog post was a good idea.
But the deadline is over, it's been submitted,
and I've seen that others are blogging about their entries.
I believe there are hundreds if not thousands of entries,
so I'm certainly not expecting mine to be in the 50 shortlisted entries.
So much awesome talent! To choose 50 must be quite daunting.
And imagine being the one selected from the 50!
But I digress.

The theme at Inspiration Avenue this week is Show and Tell.
So this is the real reason I am posting it now.
I finished and entered it early because I had to make an unexpected
trip to California. And I had truly forgotten about it until I realized
the deadline for the IA challenge was practically here.
I haven't done any other art in at least 3 weeks.
So this is what I have for Show and Tell!

I'm liking my idea alright, but the color palette is not
one I ever use, and I'm sort of disappointed in the color.
Pink and Blue? What was I thinking? Babies' nurseries?
Ah well, it is what it is...

Head over to Inspiration Avenue to check out
what's been posted for Show and Tell!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting a word (or words) in

A crazy week (again), and I couldn't manage to create something new 

for the Inspiration Avenue challenge. But I wanted to participate, 

especially since the theme,Words, was my idea.

This was from a Life Book lesson (week 2, I think, from Monica Zuniga.)

I had fun with this, and I do love to use words in my art.

I don't think I have posted this before but if I have, forgive me, I'm demented!

Visit Inspiration Avenue to see the word-y creations,

or enter your own have until Sunday July 14.

Look what I grew!
Have you ever had kohlrabi?
This is the last of them. They ripened up faster than anything else in my garden. 
They are related to turnips (yuk), but don't taste anything like turnips.
They are good raw but can also be cooked. 
They are a little bit sweet and very crunchy. 
The leaves can be cooked like any greens and remind me of collards.

I have lots of garden photos, but no time to post them.

You might be saying, well THAT'S a good thing, if you're not interested in gardens...

Have a lovely weekend!