Friday, November 26, 2010

Inspired Friday
Want to avoid the crushing Black Friday mob?
Pick up some gifts on Inspiration Avenue!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Best Wishes for a 
Wonderful Thanksgiving Celebration!

 A Sale in My Etsy Shop
In a few short months, my Etsy shop will be 2 years old!
I am thankful for each and every wonderful customer!
Time has flown by, and now that Etsy has given us
a way to offer discounts, I'm gonna 
jump right on the bandwagon.

Purchase anything in my shop now through
the weekend, and receive 15% off
whether you purchase 1 item or 100! 

I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving
and that you have much in your life to
celebrate and give thanks for! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Blogger Woes

Ugh, somehow, something got clicked
in my comments preferences, 
and blogger was having me 
moderate every comment. 
I thought I had had no comments, 
zero, for days. Until my Guardian Angel 
kicked me in the "patoook" (as my 
little neighbor used to say)  and said, 
Go moderate your comments, dummy! 

I am blaming my foggy state of mind 
on the weird smell  in my house, 
which has returned with a vengeance. 
It's that same smell of car exhaust.  
Some of you may remember me posting about this last February.
(and if you do remember that, your mind is super-human!)
It went away after several weeks and a  $100+ visit 
from the furnace guy, who said the furnace was fine.
I was just glad to have it gone, and forgot about.

Now it is back, and I can even smell it with the furnace off
and the windows open on a nice day, such as today.
And, so far, no one has been able to smell it but me!
I was even thinking maybe it was just my nose,
but I don't smell it when I'm not in the house...

Nope, he is still alive ~ it hasn't seemed to affect the cats. 
Although who would know, until it is too late...
They don't really talk about it.

Bleh. On a positive note, it's a beautiful sunny day,
breezy and in the lower 60s.
It's so easy to appreciate these days when
it's mid-November and you know there will be
very few more until winter is over.

One last note about Blogger, which is tormenting me lately ~
I am now unable to see my followers.
There is just a big space where my followers used to be.
I know you are still there, because my dashboard says you are.
The worst part is that I am unable to see ANYONE's followers,
and consequently can't follow any blogs anymore either.
Thank you, Blogger.

I'm trying to get to the bottom of it,
but I think it may not be resolved until I upgrade
my operating system which will allow me
to use a newer version of Firefox

Thank you all for your wonderful comments in the last few days!

I think I have comment moderation turned off now...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

IA Weekly Challenge

We may not always recognize our guardian angel!

The theme this week at Inspiration Avenue is


Off to join the challenge ~
I'm just under the wire this time....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

IA Weekly Challenge

The Helping Hand
The challenge at Inspiration Avenue this week is 


and dreamed up by moi, Magpie.
This very nearly was the first week
a challenge host didn't have an entry
in the history of Inspiration Avenue.
I haven't checked my facts on that, 
but I believe it has never happened.

Between a shortage of time and realizing 
I didn't have a clue when I set the challenge 
(and no clue all week either),
Sunday morning came around too quickly.

But I have something to enter,
maybe not my most labor-intensive attempt.
When I found this cute German postcard
I loved what it says about community.
I think a sense of helping out the community
begins early in childhood, when children
are taught kindness and empathy for others.
So the little boy carrying his sister over the stream 
 is the beginning of a sense of community and giving.

Pop over to Inspiration Avenue later today
to view all of the amazing entries!

If you haven't joined us in a challenge yet,
play along next week (theme to be posted Monday)
for a chance in our monthly giveaway.
Enter any challenge in the month of November
to have a chance to win
this framed, 5 x 7 mixed media piece.

See you over at Inspiration Avenue!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

IA Weekly Challenge

Happiness Is . . .
That is the prompt at Inspiration Avenue this week
brought to us by the lovely Priti.Lisa,
and a tricky one it was because I had 
much to choose from ~ all simple things.

I love a good book, a good strong cup of coffee,
a good garden, and...well... a very naughty cat.

It's not that I don't appreciate him pointing out to me 
the good parts of my book, but he covers up all the 
other parts that he doesn't want me to read. 
He's always rather irritated when there are no good
pictures of cats. Not that he likes other cats ~
he enjoys comparing himself to them
and bragging about how they come up 
far short of his handsomeness.

I just realized that this is a true collage ~ 
not a bit of painting going on.
Just glue and paper. 

Hmmm...maybe I should recreate it for
my sketchbook project, where
my theme is Adhere to Me.
I'm having a hard time figuring out
how to begin my sketchbook...

See all of the entries for the week
Gotta run!