Ugh, somehow, something got clicked
in my comments preferences,
and blogger was having me
moderate every comment.
I thought I had had no comments,
zero, for days. Until my Guardian Angel
kicked me in the "patoook" (as my
little neighbor used to say) and said,
Go moderate your comments, dummy!
I am blaming my foggy state of mind
on the weird smell in my house,
which has returned with a vengeance.
It's that same smell of car exhaust.
Some of you may remember me posting about this last February.
(and if you do remember that, your mind is super-human!)
It went away after several weeks and a $100+ visit
from the furnace guy, who said the furnace was fine.
I was just glad to have it gone, and forgot about.
Now it is back, and I can even smell it with the furnace off
and the windows open on a nice day, such as today.
And, so far, no one has been able to smell it but me!
I was even thinking maybe it was just my nose,
but I don't smell it when I'm not in the house...
Nope, he is still alive ~ it hasn't seemed to affect the cats.
Although who would know, until it is too late...
They don't really talk about it.
Bleh. On a positive note, it's a beautiful sunny day,
breezy and in the lower 60s.
It's so easy to appreciate these days when
it's mid-November and you know there will be
very few more until winter is over.
One last note about Blogger, which is tormenting me lately ~
I am now unable to see my followers.
There is just a big space where my followers used to be.
I know you are still there, because my dashboard says you are.
The worst part is that I am unable to see ANYONE's followers,
and consequently can't follow any blogs anymore either.
Thank you, Blogger.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of it,
but I think it may not be resolved until I upgrade
my operating system which will allow me
to use a newer version of Firefox
Thank you all for your wonderful comments in the last few days!
I think I have comment moderation turned off now...