No Stopping!
I don't have a single photo for this post, and not because I left my camera at home when hubby and I set out for Washington D.C. yesterday. I brought it just in case, although I had a feeling I might have to be quick in order to use it.
Actually our destination wasn't Washington D.C., but the surrounding suburbs because this wasn't a sightseeing trip. DH had purchased a motorcycle on that other online selling venue, ebay, and we were off to pick it up. I thought I might snap some pictures of the beautiful spring Pennsylvania and Maryland countryside. And beautiful it was, but somehow I knew taking a photo from the window of a speeding pickup truck would be less than spectacular. So I hinted that some pictures sure would be nice, but of course we had a schedule to keep so on we went. No stopping!
We made our destination in record time. We had time to spare now, but after eating lunch and experiencing MAJOR snafus picking up the U-haul trailer, we were running behind schedule. So on to pick up the bike. No stopping!
When you print out directions from Mapquest, do you also print the return (backwards) directions? We didn't. But DH said, no matter, we have gps, we don't need the printed directions. In truth, being less than a fan of this whole motorcycle idea, I left all the planning to my hubby. I was just along for the ride. And he really didn't forget a single thing except those return directions.
For some unknown reason, gps routed us directly through Washington D.C. instead of getting us back to I-495. We never realized what was in store until we were right in front of the sign saying "Welcome to Washington D.C."! At which point it was too late to swing a u-turn in rush hour traffic with a 9-foot trailer attached to our rear bumper carrying DH's new pride and joy. Ugh. We bumped along through the part of D.C. that I'm sure we don't want to show to the world.
Then suddenly we were passing the Washington Monument, the Capitol building, Lincoln Memorial, and all the tourists having a great time on a lovely Monday afternoon. Sure would be nice to snap some pictures, I hinted, but without much conviction because, truth be told, my head was pounding, hubby was in an evil mood, and if we so much as slowed down, I know we would have gotten run over. No stopping here!
So a little over 12 hours after we left that morning, we arrived back home. I don't even have a picture of DH's new motorcycle. Too exhausted to get the camera out of the case...Hubby did mention last night after all was settled down that it might have been nice to have some pictures. Gr-r-r-r.