Friday, November 11, 2011

Paint Party Friday and the butterfly effect

A page from my Sketchbook Project journal
 I wanted to have something for PPF even though I am late.
This is a page I am still working on in my
long-neglected Sketchbook Project journal.
Not as much actual "paint" as I usually use,
since I am exploring the art of needlework for the 
Inspiration Avenue weekly challenge.
Also not much "needle" work here since I caved
and used a lot of glue! Love much quicker and *safer*
than pricking your finger with a needle every few seconds :D

For the IA challenge, I am going to try to do a little
actual sewing in my piece. Friday already, and I
haven't started it yet...but I'll think of something.

In the meantime, visit Paint Party Friday
and check out what's new there!

One more thing to post.
I am linking this portion to the butterfly effect where
the theme is cats this week, go check it out!

Since I am obsessed with fabric right now,
here is a little brooch that was fun to make.
Not much painting here though, just the green background :)
{I have noticed that I seem to feature quite a few ginger cats

in my art. Neither of my current kitties is orange.

I had a ginger cat named "Boy" when I was twenty-something.

Perhaps I have never gotten over that I let him outside one day,

and never saw him again. Yep, I still grieve when I think of him.}

Here is Boy
(yikes, this is over 30 years old.)

Our current kitties do not go outside.



  1. Awesome work for Sketch Book Project ~ wish I had taken more time on mine ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  2. Wow..your cat is beautiful and he steals my heart.!!and such a heartbreaking story..hugs! You have captured his gentle soul and beautiful essence! Love all your beautiful creations..always inspiring! Shine on!

  3. Oh poor Boy, I know that broke your heart! I love your drawing of him, and your sketchbook page is great too! I LOVE that Rembrandt quote- so great!

  4. The ginger cat painting is gorgeous. I also had a cat disappear. It is hard to take. Faye

  5. I hate that you lost that cat, but love that you use so many in your to the sewing challenge... I am a glue and staples girl the whole way... still trying to work out how to get around the idea of actually using a needle and thread!!!

  6. I was forced to adopt out my beloved Sushi. One day, she ran away from her new home and I was so sad and guilty. Then about 6 months ago, I saw her again. (she has distinct markings and an old injury to her paw that is recognizable.) She was much older, but living with a lovely family just 5 blocks from my house. They said that she just walked up one day. I never told them that she was MY cat. I didn't have the guts. My vet said that she was probably trying to find her way home. Still make me weep. I understand why you re-paint your kitty. They never really leave...

  7. Lovely Maggie. The journal page is beautiful, love the doll face and the inspirational message.

    The Cat Badge is so cute.

    This weeks theme over on The butterfly effect :
    is Cats, well worth a look or even posting.

    Happy PPF!


  8. Sorry about the cat. Love your beautiful creations, well done. Journal pages are fun and yours does rock. Happy PPF!

  9. Your Sketchbook Project looks great!
    I'd love to follow you there, too.
    Do you have a profile up?
    I'll search under Magpie in Pennsylvania. :)

    Been working on my Sketchbook Project, too! :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. Somehow cats steal their way into our heart and never really leave again. I never owned a cat, but I had many cats in my life - cats who suddenly turned up at my door and decided to stay. Neighbors' cats who hang out at my place. Losing them however way is so sad.

  11. Maggie, you are such a good painter of kitties! {well all things truly} I can't believe that painting is 30 yrs old. I had a ginger cat too about 30 yrs ago that I compared every cat to since. His name was Sunny.
    Something you said to me stuck. About Bear coming back to me...but maybe in a different form. I think that Bear was so much like Sunny...and I believe that I will have that relationship with a cat again. Thank you for your insight.
    Love you

  12. oh my goodness that top piece is so cool.

    and I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets are like family and I know I'd be pulling my hair out if my Sasha was missing

  13. This is so cute! Looks like aristocrasy with those collars. :))

  14. i came over to see this earlier and i DIDNt Even COMMENt.

    how Rude of me.
    i was silently stalking.

    i won't do that anymore.

    i'm outing myself.

    here i am!

    i love the brooch.


    p.s. i've let cats outside too :((

  15. Very pretty page for your SBP! I let my cats outside. I find they are happier that way. I've never had one run away but I have lost some to cars. :(
    Beautiful painting.

  16. That's the heartbreaking part. My cats don't run away either as they are spoiled and happy at home. So the only other possibility is foul play, whether from a car or from a nasty person. They are just safer inside, and my current cats do not mind it at all ~ they have plenty to do inside. I hate to think of them dying a cruel and painful death, which is so likely if they wander.

  17. Wow these are amazing! You are way multi talented!!!Deb

  18. I am in love your your art journal. The needlework, buttons, pipe cleaners, beads and fabric you used. It is a fabulous whole setting and the words are inspirational. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Janet PPF


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