Thursday, January 28, 2010

We Have Our First Tutorial
in the Supplies for Tutorials Exchange! 

An email button for your blog:

Here is something sooo informative for all of us technologically challenged bloggers! And since Blogland is populated with such a variety of people, I know there are a bazillion of you out there. I mean, so many of us artistic types spend all of our time with our muses, who has the time or the desire to be a techie?

Taylor of Maryjanes and Galoshes (I love that name!) has set up the process step-by-step for making a button for your readers to send you email. No more having your readers search around for a way to email ~ it will be right there looking as cute as a, well, button! Personalize it with your own graphics and and text, customize it to match your blog, it's all good! (I personally like the "Send a letter to the Queen" idea!)

Visit Taylor's blog to see the step-by-step process. It will be on  Totally Tutorials also.

Check back here in the coming days and weeks for lots more tutorials!


  1. I love it when there is someone kind enough to share their Blog knowledge with the rest of the!! I was in the middle of trying to replace my orange B (for Blogspot) favicon, and instead of personalizing it, it's now a "w" from the website that had the tutorial!! Don't ask me how I did that??


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