Thursday, January 14, 2010

January Thaw?
Please, please, I hope so!

The sun was out bright and early today and
I think I saw a tiny drip on the end of an icicle!

The weatherman is telling us it will go above freezing today
(39 degrees, whoo hoo!).
I have just about had enough of snow and ice.

These are pretty, but don't walk underneath them, could be even more dangerous than walking under a ladder. Yikes!
When I look at these, I think of the Inspiration Avenue challenge for this week, "Pocket Full of Sunshine". It's just been so long since we've seen the sun shining here! Since I'm not a photographer, I think I will not enter these in the challenge but maybe do a painting instead. Better get busy....


  1. OMG!!! ICICLES!!! SQUEAL!!!!!
    OMG!! i wish i had them here :(

    maggie!! the images are beautiful!! enter them enter them!! the first image is just perfect! sun just peeking thru, icicles transparent and magical and little water droplets!! holey moley it's beautiful!! plssssssssssssss enter this image!!!!

  2. Oh my! I think these are great! You stop being so hard on yourself. I think they would be perfect for the challenge but I understand if you want to do a painting:)
    Hope you get your warm weather.
    I'm tired of it too, but I can't complain we are in the 50's....rainy but not so cold anymore.

  3. I'm with you there in terms of things warming up. Yesterday was a balmy 50 something degrees and I was ready to go about in shorts! In wandering my garden, I saw a few early signs of spring; the Hyacinth's are starting to emerge and the hydrangeas have leaf buds, my forsythia is showing signs of life too. Come on Spring! (Yes, I know it's WAY too early, but a girl can wish, right?)
    As for your photo, it's fabulous, and even if you do something else, you should include it in your entry!
    Hugs to you,

  4. Amazing photo Maggie! But paint a picture, too!
    I am feeling much better now that the sun is out...gonna be 40 degrees today YAY!

  5. Wow those ice cycles are amazing!! I know, I think it's actually around 50 today, wow!!

  6. Wow they are fabulous I love the top photo too. Glad to say that today we had sunshine and all the snow has melted, well almost. Its finally above freezing and something like 7 or 8 degrees C. I think this would be a great picture to enter into the challenge but I have seen your kitty now and he is super too.

  7. Great photos! Love them! Love icicles! They got rare over here because government give a lot of financial support when you do some heat insulation at your house. So the roofs are so cool that there are no icicles anymore! But we got some at the roof of our terrace and I take pictures of them every year!
    Lovely blog!


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