Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter Wonderland
or... it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

There is a beautiful white pine in the yard in back of ours.
I don't know if the blurriness is due to my
poor photography skills
or the fact that it was snowing hard! But in real life
it looks so amazing covered with snow.

So on this last weekend before Christmas
I'll be venturing out in the blizzard
with the other procrastinators to finish my shopping!

Happy  Holidays!


  1. We already have 9 inches here! Ughhhhhh! I am having to dig little trenches for the wee pups when they have to go out because they keep sinking in the snow and can't get back out!

    Stay warm!


  2. wow!! it DOES look amazing! i am so jealous!! wanna ship some snow over??

  3. Your blog looks so wintery and lovely. Snow is fun now and then. Hope you have a successful shopping expedition.

  4. This is so Christmassy, I love it- and I REALLY love the fountain in the foreground, I've always wanted one of those, lol.

  5. What a stunning tree! Good luck with the shopping - I've put mine off today as it's snowy and cold here too, but will have to venture out soon...!

  6. A beautiful snowy tree! I think you did a great job on the photo.
    Wish we had some, but only for a little while and only on Christmas day.


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