Friday, July 29, 2011

Paint Party Friday

The Fairy Kiss

I'm happy to have finally remembered to get something
completed by Friday so as to enter it in Paint Party Friday.
Paint Party Friday is great because there is no theme (other than painting).
NOT that I don't love themes, don't get me wrong :)
But I love the "anything goes" opportunity.

This is a little (4" x 5") canvas based loosely on
Richard Doyle's fairy paintings from 1870 or thereabouts.
I am planning to add the dreaded beeswax, which I have
decided not to use much anymore, except on this,
which I think could benefit from a little softening.

Here is Doyle's Fairy Kiss painting:
I love his painting so much more...
At first I was wishing it was a little more colorful,
but I realize I love it just as it is ~ so soft and whimsical.

Here is one of my favorites:
His style is so recognizable.

You may remember from another post I discovered a lily
in my garden that I don't think I planted.
Well, here is another one:
I have an asiatic lily in the front garden, 
but this and another one showed up in the back garden.

Hmmm. Maybe they were planted by the fairies.

It's been a very interesting summer in the garden.
Some things I expected to do well were very poor.
Other plants, like this calla lily were astonishing.
I've had this plant for 5 or 6 years, and it has
never gotten more than one or two blooms per summer.
This year it had six gorgeous blooms. I wish I had photographed it
when it was at its only has a few blooms left in this photo.

Don't forget to visit the Party!


  1. You did a magnificent interpretaion, so very charming and sweet!!

  2. I love that the edges of the canvas are included in the finished piece

  3. Your faeries are every bit as magical as Doyle's- I am loving ALL your new paintings!
    And lucky you to have Faeries helping in the garden....send them my way if you get a chance ;)

  4. Looks like you have a lovely garden complete with fairies! :) I LOVE your painting - it's so sweet (and I actually prefer it to Doyle's)! :)

  5. this is beautyiful,, truly a wonderful peice,, I like the color so much,, the bees wax will soften it I agree very messy,, love the smell though!!

  6. I love your fairies!! - Much more than Doyle's. Beautiful colours you chose!

  7. I love your fairies!!! Also you must indeed have some fairies in your garden! Beautiful!

  8. Absolutely the sweetest fairy kiss, adorable, & I bet if you look hard enough you could almost see them in your beautiful garden ;) Happy PPF!!!

  9. This is beautiful Maggie!!!



  10. I love both of them. Your interpretation is more colorful which puts your personal spin on it. Beautiful. :-)

  11. What a sweet little painting. The flower images were pretty too. Wishing u a delightful PPF!

  12. That's so pretty Maggie!! My favourite part is actually the little red boots - I think that little splash of red just brings all the other colours alive!

    I have beeswax in the cupboard that I bought ages ago, is it very very scary to use??

    Your lilies are beautiful - one of my favourite flowers :)

  13. Wonderful, whimsical and a perfect interpretation! POP ART MINIS

  14. I love your painting! Very sweet ♥

  15. oooo I love your fairies!

  16. Oh how I adore this! You did a lovely job!
    I think there may be faeries tending to your garden. Aren't those lilies magnificent? Their fragrance is beautiful.


    p.s. the bees wax will be the crowning touch to this whimsical work.

  17. What a lovely canvass and love the inspiration you used this is a wonderful illustration. The flowers look super planted or not ;0) Dxx

  18. Oh this is adorable!!! I love the fairies kissing, soooooo cute!!!Beautiful flower photos too!

  19. Love the fairy! Your colors are superior to Doyle's!


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