Sunday, January 19, 2014

Where in the World. . .?

This week at Inspiration Avenue, the prompt was the inspiration of Niina:

Around the World

There are so many places I'd like to visit that I was stumped for an idea.

Luckily, Niina told us she was playing a game on her blog where she
would give us three words, and the challenge was to create something
using those words. I couldn't resist!

Here are my 3 words, supplied by Niina:

Egypt  •  Bird  •  Stripes

Okay! I especially had to do some research on Egypt,
a place I sadly don't know much about.
I didn't get much farther than Edward Poynter's paintings. 
Poynter painted scenes of Egypt and places nearby.
His classical paintings are breathtaking. But I was struck by 
this etching of two slave girls carrying water.
I wondered what they are thinking, especially the
girl on the right.

Here is my painting based on the inspiration of the etching:

I don't know what these girls are thinking either.
The one on the right may be wondering if her friend 
knows there is an ibis on her head.
I wouldn't mind giving this another go, 
since I'm not entirely happy with it.

Last day for "Around the World" it is what it is!

Hop over to Inspiration Avenue to see the 
other interpretations of Around the World.

Another prompt this week 
had to do with places also so I'll include it here.

At Journal52, the theme was 

Somewhere, a Simple Place

Any place with warm sunshine filtering through the trees is my Happy Place!

I hope you are enjoying your happy place today,
whether in reality, or in your imagination...

Happy Sunday!


  1. Wow Maggie:) I think your egyptian ladies looks gorgeus. That etching is also a great inspiration. Your artjournal page makes me think of summer (and fresh laundry). Here we have -20 celsius and snowing and freezing wind. Clothes are bit chilly after I get them outside.

  2. Beautiful! Like you I play the three words's game ;) Karine

  3. Your painting brought the etching to life! I like the addition of the bright colors too. Your paintings are always so amazing.

  4. Your drawings are wonderful...wish I could draw but I can't....that's why I do digital art!! I loved perusing your blog...thanks for sharing, Maggie!!

  5. Great painting Maggie! I love how you "updated' those Egyptian chicks!


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