Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting a word (or words) in

A crazy week (again), and I couldn't manage to create something new 

for the Inspiration Avenue challenge. But I wanted to participate, 

especially since the theme,Words, was my idea.

This was from a Life Book lesson (week 2, I think, from Monica Zuniga.)

I had fun with this, and I do love to use words in my art.

I don't think I have posted this before but if I have, forgive me, I'm demented!

Visit Inspiration Avenue to see the word-y creations,

or enter your own have until Sunday July 14.

Look what I grew!
Have you ever had kohlrabi?
This is the last of them. They ripened up faster than anything else in my garden. 
They are related to turnips (yuk), but don't taste anything like turnips.
They are good raw but can also be cooked. 
They are a little bit sweet and very crunchy. 
The leaves can be cooked like any greens and remind me of collards.

I have lots of garden photos, but no time to post them.

You might be saying, well THAT'S a good thing, if you're not interested in gardens...

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. I've never had kohlrabi-I'll have to try some. What an amazing thing to grow it! I really love your image this week. I'm glad you pulled one out of the past since I'd never have seen it otherwise. The colors are magical and the patterns, words, and face are simply beautiful.

  2. I love this Maggie! But then I am a fan of all your work!!
    Your new garden veggie is quite interesting... I like turnips, but I don't have a green thumb at all. I will check it out next time I go to the big farmers market!

  3. Your collage is gorgeous--love the light to dark and colors!

  4. A stunning collage- the colors and textures are mesmerizing!

  5. What a lovely collage. And great looking kohlrabi - enjoy!

  6. First Love your words and art.
    2nd I love gardens and fresh food.
    Are kohlrabi like radishes?


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