Thursday, April 17, 2014

IA Weekly Challenge ~ Eyebrows

Pale Ladies

Two more small canvases, this time for the 
Eyebrows challenge at Inspiration Avenue.

I was hoping the pale faces and dark backgrounds
would emphasize their eyebrows.

I had fun painting these 2 ladies. I had to stop myself
from fiddling with them too much, trying to make them perfect.

The more I tweaked them, the more I saw 
their personalities begin to fade away.

A great reason to stop and call them done!



  1. Oh Magic Magpie, same is true in a garden design. STOP before it's ruined !!!

    Your talent is a gift.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. You did very well to stop, I love them like this, so very lovely!

  3. Your ladies are beautiful. I do like the dark background as it brings out the pale complexions even better. It is hard to know just when to stop. I have ruined more than one watercolor by doing too much.

  4. Such wonderful eyebrows...mine used to be that dark
    and expressive (at least I thought so at the time)
    but now they are lighter
    (and the rest of me heavier)
    I think all of your little canvases are special and love-ly
    (I was nosing below)
    I am happy I stopped by...
    you made me feel happy
    and inspired
    and taught me a very good lesson too
    about tweaking
    and true
    in painting and
    in real life.
    Happy Easter my friend...♥ ♥ ♥

  5. They are totally perfect!!!!

  6. They are totally perfect!!!!


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